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May 24, 2022

Top 10 short season crops for profit You should know 2022| Farmtalks ck


Short season by definition in farming means less than 120 days, this amounts to three months. For any short season crop its very possible to produce three times a year with consistency when there is ready market for the decided project. Some of the reasons that may make a farmer choose short seasoned crops include:

·         Need for quick harvest -Some times you may need quick returns for your investment for various reasons.

·         High demand and low supply of the produce in the market

·         The need to utilize the farm in between seasons of a main crop.

·         Personal preference


1.       Spider plant.| (Cleome gynandra L)|Saga

Common names –African spider plant, Spider wisp, Cat’s whiskers, African spider flower, African cabbage.

This is ranked among the topmost commonly consumed indigenous vegetables in Africa.

Benefits of African spider plant

They are known for their mildly bitter taste but are packed with 5% protein, 6% carbohydrates and are high in vitamins A and C, calcium, phosphorus and iron and are known to have medicinal properties such as chest pain relieving speeding up the process of childbirth and ease labor pains. In some communities After giving birth, the women eat the vegetables to regain strength and improve lactation. It also helps to replenish lost blood after childbirth because of the iron it contains.

It has also been known that the Water obtained after boiling spider plant leaves is used to treat diarrhea (Luo) (P Maundu et al., 1999).

Maturity time

From planting to harvest Saga will take 3 to 4 weeks .


2.       Cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata)| Kunde

This is a very important legume that does well in arid and semi-arid areas. Its leaves can also be consumed as vegetables. They contain high amounts of protein, carbohydrates Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Zinc .

Maturity time for cow peas

From seed to harvest as vegetable this crop will take you only 4 weeks. This means you can literally plant every month if your soil is fertile enough.

3.       Corriander ||Dhania (Coriandrum sativum)

This plants seeds are called coriander, while its leaves are called cilantro.The leaves can be recognized from their good aroma.This is also why the herb is popularly used for flavouring dishes in numerous cultures and locations allover the world.

Containing good amounts of Dietary fiber, Vitamin, Vitamin K, Manganese, Iron, Magnesium, Calcium, Copper, Phosphorus, Selenium, Potassium, Zinc Its benefits include:

·         Skin protection

·         Fighting infections

·         Promoting gut health and digestion

·         Brain activity and health promotion

·         Boosting immune system

·         Heart health promotion

·         Management and lowering of blood sugar


Maturity Time for cilantro

For use of leaves as vegetables, the plants will be ready to harvest by uprooting by the fourth week

It is important to note that these plants need sufficient watering and good supply of nitrogen therefore fertilization is an important consideration. The best to use is organic foliar fertilizers but you can opt for well decomposed manure if you have access.

Its known to have ready market as its locally sold alongside regular vegetables in the open market .


4.       Spinach (Spinacia oleracea)

This is a leafy vegetable always consumed alongside many local dishes in Africa. It is considered very nutritive with many benefits such as maintaining eye health, reducing  oxidative stress, helping in prevention of  cancer, and reduce blood pressure levels.

Maturity time for spinach

In 6 weeks your spinach will be ready for harvest with good maintenance.The Leaves fetch good prices in the market and their demand is fairly consistent .

 They have also been proven to have excellent response to organic foliar fertilizer.


5.       Kales (Brassica oleracea)

This also a leafy green and common vegetable that has a capability of growing well in avery tropical season with good maintenance .

Its benefits include Possible benefits include blood pressure management, boosting guthealth, and protecting against diabetes and cancer .

Harvest time

In about 8 weeks after transplanting well fertilized and watered kales will be ready for harvesting buy leaf plucking .With a good market connection this crop will sure fatten  your bank account because of its potential for multiple harvests when  good care is taken.

6.       Red Cabbage (Brassica oleracea)

This is cabbage with purple leaves and tastes with attributed similarity with regular cabbage but said to have more nutritional benefits.

It has a reputation for low in calories, good dietary ,fiber and vitamins A, C, K, and B6.

It also contains small amounts of other vitamins and minerals.

Harvesting Time

Takes 70 days from planting to harvesting


7.       Lettuce (Lactuca sativa)

This is another bright green leafy vegetable that is often eaten fresh and raw and serves as a base for green salads all over the world.

It is also known as a favorite for Hydroponic and Aquaponic practitioners.

With good amounts of fiber, iron, potassium and antioxidants they command a high demand in Food markets .

Maturity time

Most lettuce varieties will mature in an average of 50 days.


8.       Beans

These are one of the most eaten foods across Africa. The are commonly known for their high protein, fiber and antioxidant properties.  Their major benefits include diabetes management, weight management and body cell building.

Harvesting time

Most bean variety will be mature by the 50th day after planting .Its season however depends on the form you intend to harvest it whether it is young pods, leaves, green beans or dry ones.

They are also good with maintaining a high shelf life  when stored well in grain silos or airtight  bags


9.       Scallions| green onions

These are also common onions used in flavouring of food . They are easy to grow and also very good for inter cropping as they exhibit insect reppeling properties.Including them in your garden will discourage Insect pests from attacking them. Planted in bulk, the can prove to be profitable as well  under good maintenance – watering , weeding and fertilization



Harvesting time

 By the 60th day after sowing they will be ready for harvest although depending on climatic conditions some varieties will stretch to 80 days but still under our 120 day mark for short seasoned crops.



10.   Carrots

Whenever you think about carrots it is possible that you  always relate them to improvement of eyesight and you will be right because  they are rich in beta-carotene, a compound that  your body changes into vitamin A which is a requirement for healthy eyes. Its also  known to boost immune system, help with stronger bones and heart health. This makes it an attraction in the market.

Harvest time

In an average of 55 days your carrots if  grown under good management will be ready for the market .


Image credits 

Red Cabbage.





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