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May 22, 2022

How to write a poultry business plan in 2022 | Farmtalksck


A business plan is a document that represents your thoughtful plan about your poultry project on paper .This is a formal document designed to outline your objectives and how you plan to achieve them.

It is supposed to give an overall picture of the business.

At the end of the article we will also brainstorm on how you can keep 100 consistency and produce mature broilers every single month! And how you can plan it.

Here are the essential parts that should be included in your business plan.  With examples.

1.       Executive summary

This should summarize every important point in your poultry business should explain the problem your business wants to solve; this could be like a shortage of broilers supply in your area which perhaps has a high demand for the same.

Thinks that should not miss in your executive summary.

Target market

It should briefly state you’re the market that your project will be targeting .


I am targeting local consumers in my nearby town as well as all the online customers I can reach.


Your competition should be briefly mentioned in in the executive summary to indicate your knowledge of their existence and what you can do to differentiate and fit into the market they are already in

Example :

There are three farms currently producing broiler meat for my town, Farm A,B  and C .However our price per kilo will have a competitive advantage over their pricing which is per bird. We will also produce High quality birds consistently throughout the year with overlapping flock ages.

Financial overview

This part states about the summary of your last project financials. If it is your first project you can just write about your financial forecast  for the flock .

Example :

We are projecting a gross income of 22,500 for every flock of 50 birds.


Still in the executive summary you can mention a team if you have one , and also mention why they are best qualified  to work on this particular project .



My wife who is good with marketing and book keeping will be in charge of marketing and finance while i will work on production since I am confident in my knowledge on chicken production and processing.

Funding needs

How much does your project need . Here is how to know exactly how much your project needs and what to state as your financial needs. And how it will be spent .This will be helpful with financial institutions or anyone who is going to fund you.

Remember Even the people closest to you will want to invest in a promising project .

You should make sure to be as persuasive as possible while staying realistic.

2.       Idea /project statement

This where you state what your project will do and the operations involved. This is also the best place to state your suppliers for all the inputs, this means the birds , services and equipment.

You will also state how you intend to handle your labor and payrolls.

3.       Market analysis

In this section you will state how you did analyze your market and how you found a gap to fill. You will also state the best way you intend to fill this gap with your project.

4.       Product or service description

You will state how your business will make money by explaining your revenue models in detail. Here are the best revenue models you can consider for your poultry farming. 

 Stated in the business plan, the revenue models will strengthen your plan. They give a clear picture of where you will spend and make money and what you will prioritize.

This is a clear statement of what your farm will produce and sell

5.       Marketing strategy

How do you intend to reach your market? Are you planning to hire a social media marketer, or can you do it yourself?  Do you have off takers ready for your business? If you are going to set up a selling pit yourself this should be well states and explained as well.

6.       Execution plan

  • This is a clear statement of your work flow .
  • When will the chicken house be complete and by when will it be fully equipped?
  • When and how are the birds coming and who is supplying and transporting them?
  • From where and how are the feeds and supplements coming and when.?
  • Vet and consultant schedules
  • How will the laborers be paid and how much?
  • The vaccination timetables
  • When will the various marketing strategies begin.?

Your farm may have more operations than the once stated here but using these as the guides you can create a clear execution plan.  They are easy when put in a table

In the execution plan it is also important to state the anticipated challenges and how you intend to prepare for them. For example  since broilers are sensitive to diseases and pests what measures do you have in place to make sure you minimize losses in times of a breakout?


7.       Financial plan

In your poultry financial plan it is important to state your clear budget that include all the starting and operational costs.

You can then state how much money is available to you and determine how much you need by subtracting the two.

This part will also cover your income projections in detail.

As stated in the beginning of the article your poultry business plan can be in such a way you want to ensure a very consistent production. Lets say you want to produce 50 broilers weekly .

Here is how an annual executive summary timetable will look like .

This time table shows that it is possible to maintain 10 flocks  in a year .However it assumes  that.

·         You have a reliable supplier. And consistent market

·         You always slaughter on the third month

·         You have enough  reliable and skilled labor

·         You have space that can handle three times the size of one cohort of incoming flock. If you are bringing in 50 chicken, the space should be able to handle at least 150 chicken in three stages.

·         From the third to tenth month you have all the skilled labor and finance to cover the needs of the three stages of  broilers.

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